勘云首页 > 天然气专栏 > 德国恩威泰科在美国建造15座生物天然气工厂
举报2023-05-30 16:10:35 来源:中国石化新闻网,世界能源网


德国恩威泰科天然气公司(EnviTec Biogas)正在美国包括纽约州、康涅狄格州、明尼苏达州、印第安纳州和南达科他州在内的州完成厌氧消化和沼气升级项目。

德国恩威泰科公司总部位于德国洛恩和萨尔贝克,董事总经理Lars von Lehmden解释道:“我们目前有15家工厂在建。”其中四家工厂即将上线。



美国本土储罐部件生产是恩威泰科(美国)的最新拓展的市场。“我们正在与位于南达科他州易洛魁市的合作伙伴柯林斯·普雷卡斯特( Collins Precast)合作,在当地生产我们的罐板,然后由我们的员工在现场安装。”他补充道,他同时以恩威泰科(美国)公司首席执行官的身份监督美国境内的工厂建设。


该公司表示,对“德国制造”的沼气厂和天然气升级系统的需求不断增长,也是当地团队和业务的增长驱动力。恩威泰科(美国)公司总经理蒂莫西·洛根(Timothy Logan)表示:“我们目前在美国运营着两个仓库和三个办事处,包括纽约州的罗切斯特、南达科他州的沃特敦和俄勒冈州的比弗顿总部。所有这些仓库都位于战略位置,方便五个州的20名员工团队为客户提供最佳服务。”


2014年,由于恩威泰科公司为纽约劳恩赫斯特能源有限责任公司(Lawnhurst Energy,LLC)建造的沼气厂具备可持续性特征,获得了美国生物气体委员会(ABC)颁发的生物气体行业奖作为表彰。


林圣泽 编译自 世界能源网


Envitec Biogas Constructing 15 Biogas and Gas Upgrading Plants in the US

EnviTec Biogas is completing anaerobic digestion and biogas upgrading projects in more US states - including New York, Connecticut, Minnesota, Indiana and South Dakota.

“We have 15 plants under construction right now,” explains Lars von Lehmden, managing director of EnviTec Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG, which is based in Lohne and Saerbeck, Germany. Four of these plants are soon to go online.

The plants, all of which use manure from dairy cattle as input, will inject renewable natural gas (RNG) into the existing natural gas infrastructure after commissioning. “If there’s no local connection to the natural gas grid, the gas will be trucked to the injection stations,” von Lehmden explained.

The customers are SJI Renewable Energy Ventures LLC (SJI) together with development partner REV LNG LLC (REV). REV acts as project developer for the combined biogas and EnviThan gas upgrading plants on behalf of its customer SJI.

US-based production of tank components is a recent development for EnviTec USA . “We’re working with our partner Collins Precast in Iroquois, South Dakota to locally produce our tank panels, which are then erected at site by our qualified local employees” von Lehmden added, who also oversees stateside plant construction in his role as CEO of EnviTec Biogas USA Inc.

A total of 31 tanks have been contracted, and 20 have already been produced since last year. This makes the German company one of the few all-round providers in the US market, offering planning, construction and commissioning of biogas and biogas upgrading plants and after-sales support including technical and biological services.

Rising demand for biogas plant and gas upgrading systems ‘Made in Germany’ has also been a growth driver for the local EnviTec team, according to the company. “With Rochester in New York, Watertown in South Dakota and our headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon, we now operate two warehouses and three offices in the US. All of them strategically located to best serve our clients with a team of 20 employees in five states,” said Timothy Logan, General Manager at EnviTec Biogas USA Inc.

Since its entry into the North American market, EnviTec Biogas has successfully completed four biogas plant projects.

In 2014, EnviTec received the Biogas Industry Award from the American Biogas Council (ABC) for the sustainability features exhibited by its biogas plant for Lawnhurst Energy, LLC in New York.

“Due to the introduction of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) at the federal level, state incentives such as the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard coupled with the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, demand for biogas and biogas upgrading systems has skyrocketed,” explained market expert Logan.



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