- 勘云号
- 油气装备与机械加工
能源投资补贴(Energie-investeringsaftrek,EIA)是一项政府税收计划,支持您在节能设备和可持续能源方面的投。 企业家使用EIA可获得双重好处:其能源成本较低,缴纳的税款更少。 这本小册子指出哪些资产符合EIA资格以及EIA计划如何运作。
Energy Investment Allowance (eia)-A government tax schem in the Netherlands
The Energy Investment Allowance (Energie-investeringsaftrek, EIA) is a government tax scheme, which provides support for your investments in energy-conservation equipment and sustainable energy. Entrepreneurs making use of the EIA gain a double benefit: their energy costs are lower and they pay less tax. This brochure indicates which assets are eligible for the EIA and how the EIA scheme works.
Document:Energy List 2014
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