- 勘云号
- 油气装备与机械加工
RENERGI计划的主要目标是:“ ...发展知识和解决方案,以确保对挪威的能源进行环境友好,经济高效的有效管理,与之相关的高度可靠的能源供应和具有国际竞争力的工业发展能源部门。研究活动还将寻求解决全球能源和气候挑战以及挪威作为全球能源领域主要参与者的角色和责任所固有的政治挑战的解决方案。” (2008年修订。)
Clean Energy for the Future(RENERGI)
The primary objective of the RENERGI programme has been: “... to develop knowledge and solutions as a basis for ensuring environment-friendly, economically efficient and effective management of Norway’s energy resources, a highly reliable energy supply and internationally competitive industrial development related to the energy sector. Research activities will also seek to find solutions to global energy and climate challenges as well as the political challenge inherent in Norway’s role and responsibilities as a leading player in the global energy sphere.” (Revised in 2008.)
Document:Clean Energy for the Future(RENERGI)
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能源投资补贴(Energie-investeringsaftrek,EIA)是一项政府税收计划,支持您在节能设备和可持续能源方面的投资。 企业家使用EIA可获得双重好处:其能源成本较低,缴纳的税款更少。 这本小册子指出哪些资产符合EIA资格以及EIA计划如何运作。